Why I’m a ‘Doormat’

Sometimes, giving up is the only option when you want to keep your sanity.

K. Elaine Taylor
7 min readJul 7, 2018
“A lego figurine sits on the floor below a shoe, which threatens to crush it” by James Pond on Unsplash

I don’t understand fighting. I mean, I understand why people fight. I’m a liberal atheist feminist that openly hates capitalism. I’m also asexual, and I dream of a grand, sweeping romance with another woman. Fighting is something I do regularly in that regard. But I’m not talking about the fighting for your rights while a stranger screams at you kind of fighting. Those situations are easy for me at this point.

No, the fighting I don’t understand are the petty fights. The ‘can you do the dishes’ fights that turn into name calling and verbal gut punches. I don’t understand how they end up there, and I don’t understand how to get out of them.

I also don’t understand why it’s so common.

When you’re fighting for your beliefs, that’s one thing. I understand the desire to not be wrong — if your beliefs are wrong, your morals are wrong. If your morals are wrong, that means you’re the bad guy. No one wants to be the bad guy, and we will fight tooth and nail to be the good guys. Even many Nazis thought they were doing the right thing and actively taught the school children ‘hey, discrimination is grand.’ Even modern Nazis think they’re doing the right thing. They truly believe they are defending their lives. Note: They…



K. Elaine Taylor

I write in the hopes that perhaps I may help others feel not so alone. Join my writing journey on twitter @kate_is_writing